Since we can't leave our desks anyway, we decided that we should provide remote assistance to both resellers and end users of Microsoft products.
We offer this assistance using remote desktop tools that allow us to interact with your desktop without leaving our chairs.
RESELLERS: Obviously, this allows us to provide support quicker and to respond to more requests than having to provide on-site assistance. Resellers find our service extremely benificial in cases when they are visiting one client when another client calls with an emergancy. Instead of trying to juggle two clients, simply call us to make contact and provide quality assistance on your behalf.
In addition to remote desktop assistance, we also provide training via the web as well. Using this service, we are able to conference in 10 seats at one time. Each of the seats is able to sit at his or her computer for their own training environment with the ability to chat, via VOIP or electronically with the instructor.
Services we offer
Microsoft Dynamics GP Support
Microsoft Dynamics GP Installations & Conversions
Dexterity Development for Microsoft Dynamics GP
Microsoft Office development - AddIns and other automations
Web Service development and integration to Microsoft Dynamics GP Support